Editorial Board

1 year ago

Antonio Tujan Jr. is a social activist working on Philippine and international issues for more than 40 years. He is…

Lenin’s Imperialism in the 21st Century (2017)

1 year ago

It is with great pleasure that the Institute of Political Economy (IPE) is publishing this book in commemoration of the…

October 2019

1 year ago

What's in this issue? Role of Diaspora in the Struggle for National and Social Liberationby Antonio Tujan Jr. On Class…

The Enduring Relevance of Marxism in Social Movements (2018)

1 year ago

Even in the time of “neoliberal” globalisation, we continue to face a world economy founded on economic exploitation – despite…

December 2017

1 year ago

What's in this issue? Crisis fuels rising militarismby Antonio Tujan Jr. A century of rivalry and warsby Pio Verzola Jr.…

August 2011

13 years ago

What's in this issue? The Rise of China and Its Implicationsby Fred Engst China: Continuing Class Struggle Sixty-Two Years After…