
The Institute of Political Economy (IPE) was founded in Manila in 1994 to produce research of value to a better understanding of Marxist political economy issues and the formulation of policies and alternatives. It undertakes research and other support activities for policy formulation and the development of alternatives for political economy issues in the Philippines and the world.

What We Do

We produce regular journals every two months covering various topics of political economy. In addition, the IPE conducts the following activities:

  • In-depth research of value to a better understanding of Marxist political economy issues and the formulation of policies and alternatives;
  • Policy studies and publish its findings for the formulation of alternatives and policies on political economy concerns;
  • Fora, public discussions and similar activities on major issues and significant socioeconomic development; and
  • Training on policy studies work.

Telefax: +32.26094400
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.peoplesresearch.org