April 2024

What’s in this issue? The Rise of China and its Implicationsby Fred EngstRepublished from IPE Journals August 2011 issue with Editor’s Note from Antonio Tujan Jr. US, Hands Off the Philippines!by Maria Lourdes Fatima 25 Years of the VFA: Surrender of sovereignty, increased military intervention, and grosslyunequal relationsby Renato M. Reyes, Jr.

February 2024

What’s in this issue? A tentative research agenda: Questions on current crises under imperialismby Pio Verzola Jr. Holding the US-backed Marcos and Duterte governments accountable for their war crimes vs the Filipino peopleby Maria Lourdes Fatima

December 2023

What’s in this issue? From “neither-nor” to “holy union”: The ideological defeat of the peace movementby Saïd Bouamama What does success look like for MC13?by Jane Kelsey “It is only in participating in the revolution that women can work for their liberation”kites interview with Coni Ledesma

August 2023

What’s in this issue? Cultural work is a task of all revolutionaries by Antonio Tujan Jr. The United Nations Charter as the goal and means of international cooperationby Jean-Pierre Page Experiences working in Guanghua Timber Mill during the Cultural Revolution An interview of Fred Engst by Lao Tian

Urgent Threats to Peace for Humanity in the Twenty-First Century

By Antonio Tujan Jr. Peace is not simply the absence of war. A call for world peace has to take account of the causes of un-peace – these four major contradictions in world of humanity that create violence against the people and the planet. Thus, rather than the usual scoping of developments around the world, … Read more

June 2023

What’s in this issue? Revolutionary united front and resurgence of the world proletarian revolutionby Julie de Lima The struggle for peace in Ukraine at a time of NATO’s defeat and the brith of a mupltipolar worldby ARLAC The Peace Process as part of the Philippine struggle for natoinal liberation and democracyby Luis Jalandoni

April 2023

What’s in this issue? Current Geopolitics of Imperialismby Antonio Tujan Jr. Agro-ecotourism as a growing field of Semifeudalismby Pio Verzola Jr. Urgent threats to peace for humanity in the twenty-first centuryby Antonio Tujan Jr. Which CGT do we need?by Jean Pierre Page

February 2023

What’s in this issue? Revolutionary Art and Culture against the Marcos Fascist Dictatorshipby Julie de Lima Rebalancing Perspectives on the US Global War Strategyby Antonio Tujan Jr. Extreme Crisis and Urgent Tasksby Prof. Jose Maria Sison

December 2022

What’s in this issue? On the World Situationby Prof. Jose Maria Sison On the Filipino Semi-Proletariat and the ‘Informal Sector’by Pio Verzola Jr. A Retrospective Reflection on Vanguardism: Questions about Huang Jisu’s Articleby Fred Engst The Filipino People’s Democratic Revolution is Invincible!by Prof. Jose Maria Sison

October 2022

What’s in this issue? On US Aggression in Ukraine and Koreaby Prof. Jose Maria Sison Key Considerations in Discussing the Current International Situationby Antontio Tujan Jr. On the Building of the IPF as a Broad Anti-Imperialist United Frontby Victor Garces ‘Democracy as a Means Relies on Dictatorship’ – Commemorating the 200th Birthday of Frederick Engelsby … Read more